I have learned a lot about friendships in the past few years. I have met and talked to many people. I have shared many beautiful moments and memories with many Christian neighbors. Now, I believe I have gained enough knowledge and wisdom to share with you.
*Christian friendships should be Refreshing and Uplifting.
Friendships should be a place where two or more people can find peace and joy. The conversations should be lighthearted and involve multiple aspects of life where all parties can be watered and grow. More serious topics should involve listening, acknowledgment, trust, vulnerability, and advice if wanted.
*Christian friendships should incorporate Reciprocity.
Reciprocity means an exchange of support. One person should not always be giving and pouring into another person or people. There should not be only one person always texting and calling in the relationship. There should not be only one person always going to your home and not the other way around. There should not be only one person always asking you about your children, spouse and family, but you do not ask those same questions. There should not be only one person willing to celebrate special occasions in your life, but you are not willing to do the same.
Both parties need to give 100 percent to the relationship, or one person may end up feeling drained and used. The bible scripture Mark 12:3 says, "Love your neighbor as YOURSELF." That means do unto others as you would like done unto you. If one person is continually being kind to you and you are accepting the kindness, make sure you extend the same kindness.
*Christian friendships should involve Love and Mutual Respect.
Think of someone that you absolutely love:
How do you treat them?
How do you talk to them?
How do you feel when something good happens to that person?
I would think all those answers would include being optimistic, being happy, joyous and peaceful as much as possible.
This is properly loving and respecting someone.
Here are more ways of loving and respecting your friend:
- Listening.
- Learning.
- Growing.
- Forgiving.
- Watering.
- Nurturing.
Love and respect also mean accepting someone’s GROWTH. No one should remain the same. A healthy plant does not look the same on DAY 10 as it does on DAY 30. This life is about continually growing and advancing the kingdom of heaven on earth. Nothing remains the same. You should be happy for a friend today and their growth 1 year, 5 years and 10 years from now. If you are not happy or become jealous because of someone’s growth, then this is a heart issue. If you cannot be happy because of someone else’s growth, then you may not be capable of maintaining a healthy Christian friendship. Work on loving and respecting yourself, then you can love and respect others more.
*Christian friendships should involve genuine HAPPINESS for Life achievements and Goals.
If a friend of yours does anything that is exciting and successful such as getting promoted, earning a degree, gaining a new skill, buying a new car or house, etc.
I’m not sure why I even have to write this because this should be automatic. I have been very disappointed with people’s lack of happiness for other people, especially Christians because we should be the world’s standard in proper behavior. As Christians, we should be a light in this world and joyful about good things. We should not be envious of people and what they have. If someone has something that you want, it should motivate and excite you. If God can do that for one of your friends, then you are in close proximity to great blessings! That means God can do it for you too!
*Christian friendships should include Grace and Forgiveness.
Humans make mistakes. Sometimes humans say things and do things that may hurt others. We should forgive repeatedly and overlook things sometimes because humans are complex beings. Life is a continual journey of trying to live right. We all fall short of God’s glory and sin.
*Christian friendships should offer Support.
Support should be offered in good times and in bad times.
You are a bad friend if you are only around during good times.
You are a bad friend if you are only around during someone’s bad times, and you do not offer to help.
Bible Scripture Proverbs 3:27 -28 says
“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.
Do not say to your neighbor, “Come back tomorrow and I’ll give it to you”— when you already have it with you.”
Honestly, if you are a Christian, you should not have to be asked to help if a friend is in need, but if you are asked, then please help your friend. A true friend is there through life’s ups and downs.
*Christian friendship should include Prayer.
This includes praying for our friend’s health, children, their marriage, their sin, their hardships, their failures and triumphs. The bible scripture Proverbs 18:24 says a friend sticks closer than a brother. Prayer is an act of love and care for a friend who is like family.

One of the most profound things that I have learned is that Life is Short and that includes some friendships. God is making many moves and doing so quickly. You may come across many people in your life and it is only for a season… a moment in time. That means you may only know someone for a few months or a few years and then the friendship is over. There are people who must focus on what God wants them to do and that may mean less socializing. There are people who move away and there are others who pass away. There are people who deal with mental health issues and need time to isolate themselves. Some people may be experiencing a major life change such as getting married or having a baby and may need time to adjust without distractions. There are multiple reasons for a friendship taking a pause or ending. There are lifelong friendships and there are seasonal ones… either way, take all the lessons you have learned from others and continue to grow into who God has called you to be.