God laid it on my heart to talk about being Content.
For the year 2019, I struggled with being content.
Its been so hard but I’m so thankful that God helped me to see the light.
I hope that this blog post helps you to be more content.
I hope this helps you be more joyful and at peace with the life that God has given you.
Being content within yourself
We live in a world where we are told that we are not enough very early in our lives.
Through television programming and the internet, we are programmed at an early age to think that we are not enough.
We are taught to want and need more, more and more things to be better than our regular selves.
We are told these things will help us feel better and to look better.
As for me growing up, I never felt good enough; at school or at home.
At home, I was told I did not talk enough.
At school, I was told I wasn’t pretty enough.
If we grow up not feeling content WITHIN ourselves, how can we be content with the life that God has given us?
Being content with the job (career path) and life
God chose for you
Because of bad management, greed and selfishness in the 9 to 5 work place, everyone wants to be an entrepreneur but what if that’s not the portion God has for you?
What if God wants you to be a teacher, or work at Walmart, instead of being a doctor or a lawyer?
However, what if God HAS called you to be an entrepreneur?
What if God wants you to be a spouse and stay at home parent?
Would you be ok with that?
Are you fully surrendered to God and ALL the plans that he has for your life?
The world says do whatever feels good (even though it is NOT good for us)!
Sometimes we get so caught up in the ways of the world.
We drown out God’s voice.
We silence the holy spirit and we wonder why we are not content.
We should try our hardest to listen to God and allow him to lead our lives.
God's plans for you are perfect and good!
We have to trust God, let him lead and grow in the area of contentment.
^^^ Summary of the paragraphs above ^^^
1. We are born in a world, being told we are not enough, which leads to discontentment.
2. In every stage of life, instead of being present, listening to God's plans and letting holy spirit guide us through life; we choose to think about what we want and our worldly ambitions, which leads to discontentment.
3. Lastly, sometimes we are discontent with the portion (the life) that God gives us.

Here are 5 ways to being CONTENT!
1. Surrender to God’s plan for your life
Surrendering to God's plans can help you be content. Know that God wants the best for you. His plans for you are for good, not evil. Some of God's plans for you requires patience. Ask God about his plans for your life and be led by the holy spirit with every decision you make in life. When you surrender to God's plans, you are in God's perfect will for your life. We should all be striving to live out God's will and not our own will.
2. Always Remember...
Always remember that you were perfectly made for this time and this season of life that you are in. Whether you are a spouse, parent, teacher… working at Walmart or a multi-million dollar company... wherever God has placed you, God has equipped you with the necessary tools to get through it and grow from it. God placed you where you are to be a LIGHT in a dark place! Remembering this should help you be content with the season you are in.
3. Be Grateful for your Portion
Be grateful for the job, the car, and the living space you have been provided. Be grateful for your functioning body and mind. Be grateful for the unique talents and gifts that God has giving you. The life you have and the body you have and everything else that you have, be grateful for that. When you have a grateful heart, that can open the door to more blessings. (Also, keep in mind that some people are praying for what God has freely given to you.)
4. Count your blessings everyday 😊
If you focus on at least one good thing in your life everyday, this will help you be more content. Focusing on the good in your life, will keep you from focusing on the things you do not like as much. Focusing on the good should help you be content.
5. Know that: WANTS do not equal NEEDS!
Sometimes we want things that are not good for us. Sometimes we want things and then make them idols. Sometimes the things we want are just not apart of God's plan.
We may not get our wants and we need to be ok that. However, God will always supply our needs. Be content in knowing that all of your needs are met.
God's wants us to be content with our portion.
He gave each of us an individual purpose and a beautiful plan for our lives.
Ask God to open your heart and help you to be more content with the life he has given you.