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I'm Infinity Osewa.

​Here as a vessel for the Most High, to help you transform your mental health and life!

My Mission:     

I would like to help you overcome

- negative thinking patterns

- toxic thoughts, words and actions

- your past trauma and/or failures

- your limited, destructive view of self

- living a worldly, unfulfilled life and more!


My hope is that you will learn...

- how to create a positive mindset and outlook on life

- to be more intentional with hopeful thoughts, words and actions

- to view yourself the way God sees you

(God calls you a Masterpiece! Ephesians 2:10 NLT)

- let go of the toxic people and situations in your life

- live based on the commandments of God and the Bible,

so that your life is filled with love, peace, hope and joy. 


When you learn and plant these seeds,

I hope you will reap a harvest of Transformation!

Transformation within yourself and your life!


I Understand Where You Are Now...

I Use To Be In Your Shoes!


I struggled for years with my mental health and my life reflected that. 

After battling depression for years, I got tired of being down!

I wanted to make a change!

Slowly, I begin to create habits that positively transformed my mental health and my life. 

A few years later, I surrendered my life to Christ, and my transformation came full circle! 


My relationship with God and studying the Bible, gave me the tools needed in order to live a life of peace, joy and love. 

When tough times happen in life, I am able to handle the challenges gracefully and keep my mental health intact.

My foundation with God is stronger than ever and this helps me to have better relationships with others and more importantly, myself.


Now, I want to help others!


I want to help YOU transform!

Here Are Some Fun Facts About Me!

- I love TEA! 

I have a cup (or two cups) of tea almost every morning!

- I like to dance!

If you would like to contact Infinity Osewa,

Click Here.

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